One of the reasons that I started this blog was to hopefully be a source of information for anyone that found my corner of the ‘Net when it comes to questions that should be asked of wedding DJs. Having served as a wedding DJ for over 12 years now, I figured that sharing my point of view of things from the DJ’s perspective might help someone planning the entertainment for their wedding celebration. Some of my recent posts have focused more on different traditions that are honored during wedding receptions. Most of the entries that I’ve written have focused more on my anecdotes and my personal thoughts and feelings when it comes to being Behind the Board.

I woke up this morning thinking about the fact that my children will start school in just about 4 weeks. That milestone for them marks a milestone for me, as well. 26 years ago, a DJ that was one of my suite mates during my first year of college pulled me aside and attempted to teach me how to spin vinyl. Little did either of us know that I’d spend over half of my life spinning in some capacity as a result. Relationships (platonic and more intimate) have come and gone; I moved to another state altogether then moved again; I met the love of my life and we started a family. Through it all (with a couple of temporary exceptions), being a DJ has been a constant.

Simply put, being a DJ has allowed me to keep some semblance of sanity. When things have been their bleakest or their most harrowing, getting behind the board has helped ground me. No matter the mood, there’s ALWAYS a song (or a set) that can be played that fits it; that can be shared with others who may be able to connect with the vibe that I’m putting out into the world.

I associate some of the events in my life with being behind the board. Shortly after my son was born, someone dedicated a song to me during one of my sets in honor of that event; that song (Just the Two of Us by Will Smith) will forever be associated with my oldest. I find myself nearly having to choke back tears at every wedding reception that I do where the chosen song for the Mother/Son dance is Song for Mama by Boyz II Men (primarily because it makes me think of my own mother). Over the last few years, I’ve made a concentrated effort to further personalize special events at wedding receptions by speaking on matters of the heart: how the traditional first dance used to be the Father/Daughter dance; inviting the couple that’s been married the longest to give some advice to the newlyweds on what it takes to have a lasting marriage; expressing how important sons tend to be to their mothers, no matter how old they may happen to be. At company parties and school events, I let it be seen that I’m there to have fun along with everyone else; right down to doing the Macarena with a young girl who requests it, even if no one but she and I will dance.

My point of view of what a DJ should be has been forever transformed: how (s)he presents themselves to the crowd; how they conduct themselves on a professional level; how they should make sure that the crowd that they’re serving can see that they are also enjoying what’s happening.

Being a DJ (especially a wedding DJ) isn’t solely about playing music. It’s about so much more. It is liberating. It is challenging. It provides a joy that few things can match. It provides Connection, validation.

One day, I may have to give up my time behind the board. For now, though… That day seems too far off to give it more than a cursory thought. After all of this time, being a DJ is not what I do, it’s part of WHO I AM.