Photo Booth
What Happens in the photo booth stays in the photo booth
Photo booths have become increasingly more popular over the last few years. It’s easy to understand why: it’s another way to keep your guests engaged during your event.
Imagine the joy that you’d feel watching your closest family and friends gathering to take group pictures. These aren’t the formal pictures taken by your hired photographer – these are more laid back, Relaxed, FUN.
These are the pictures taken when everyone loosens up and decides to PARTY!
Want the design elements to match the overall theme for your event? We can do that.
Want to match the colors for your event? We can do that, too.
The physical photo booth will be active for the duration of your event. Guests receive their pictures via text or email. You’ll receive the gallery of photos post-event (usually within two weeks). The gallery can be active for guests to visit online for up to six months after the event – they’ll be able to get unlimited downloads of pictures there during that time.
Oh! Are there people that can’t make it to your event that you’d like to participate? We will provide a way for them to take pictures from wherever they are that will be included in your gallery as well!
Price: $850.00