You’ve Signed on the Digital Dotted Line; Now What?

I get hyped up about the fact that I’ve found My People to partner with in crafting their wedding celebrations. There’s something about being included in that process that REALLY gets the blood pumping! Our goal is to make your wedding night as memorable as possible; THANK YOU for allowing me to be a part of this milestone in your lives! More importantly, THANK YOU for placing yourselves in my care as we work toward realizing your vision for your Wedding Day.

Here are some items to keep in mind that will help this process go more smoothly and (ideally) stress-free:

Stress Free

Contacting me

You have numerous avenues to contact me at your disposal should you feel the need. Email is always the best method, as it allows for a digital trail of all of our messages. In case you forget, email me at info@behindtheboarddjs.com.


Weekends can be difficult for me to respond to messages due to my event schedule. That said, if necessary, we can schedule time for a phone call or a video chat throughout the week. Note that video chats will most likely be scheduled for the evenings (which keeps me from competing with my family for internet resources during the day).


You will receive occasional emails from me throughout the planning process. Some will be reminders to complete your planning forms. Others will offer additional services that may enhance your experience on your wedding day. Some will offer tips and helpful information to consider as you create your wedding experience. Ultimately, they serve as reminders that you aren’t alone in this endeavor; it’s a team effort and I’m with you every step of the way. Oh! Before I forget – I’ll contact you after the wedding as well; I’m a big fan of using reviews from My People to help me improve on the BTB Experience for future clients (hint, hint).


Every wedding is unique; that said, your wedding is YOUR wedding and the goal is to realize your vision. This example lays out the typical flow of a wedding reception.

10 Planning Pointers

Once you’ve reviewed the sample timeline, read these pointers.  They will help you BREATHE a sigh of relief as you continue to work through the planning process.

1. When choosing your music, remember to take your guests’ tastes into consideration. The entertainment is the most memorable part of the event for them; allow them to hear songs that they will enjoy.

2. When choosing the music, a good rule of thumb is what I call The 20/20/20 Rule:
a. Choose up to 20 “Must Play” songs – the songs that you absolutely HAVE to hear at your reception or the night is ruined.
b. Choose up to 20 “Play If Possible” songs – songs that you believe would be good to hear at your reception, but if you miss them, it’s not a big deal.
c. The remaining 20 songs are songs that I can include based off of guest requests and reading the crowd. This allows for me to use my musical knowledge and creativity to work your dance floor and keep bodies moving.

3. Once the dancing begins, you and your new spouse are essentially the Pied Pipers of your reception. This means that wherever you happen to be will be where the guests tend to gravitate. If you want a more packed dance floor, you should be on or near it.

4. Avoid micromanaging the timeline. Wedding receptions are living, breathing organisms. I often suggest that My People don’t even bother wearing a watch because it distracts them from BEING IN THE MOMENTS AS THEY HAPPEN. You’ve hired a team of vendors to worry about the time so that YOU DON’T HAVE TO. Trust us to have your backs so that you can focus on basking in those special moments.

5. Don’t put Baby in a corner (unless said corner is connected to your dance floor). Your Entertainer should be visible to all of your guests for announcements and guiding everyone through the celebration. It allows us to be better able to read the room and also allows your guests to feel more of our vibe as they let loose and have fun.

6. If you have a bar or photo booth at your reception, if able, place it in the room where your Entertainer is. This eliminates guests leaving the room; keeping them closer to the dance floor at all times.

7. I typically recommend that toasts be limited to roughly 5 minutes per person and a max of 5 speakers (newlyweds included as a tandem, as they will close the toasts/speeches out).

8. If there are older guests at your event, avoid seating them close to my booth. Trust me on this, you DO NOT want to hear their complaints for years to come about the noise whenever they talk about your wedding.

9. Also, with older guests in mind, allow your Entertainer the opportunity to cater to their musical tastes earlier in the evening, as they will most likely be among the first to leave (often WELL before the last song of the night). Give them the opportunity to shake a leg so that they have a good time before departing.

10. Always leave your guests wanting MORE. You don’t HAVE to party all night long (but it’s okay to leave everyone wishing that they COULD have).


You aren’t required to feed me (I’m OFTEN a walking stomach, so I try to make sure that I’m covered). If you do wish to include me in the head count for a meal, I’ll eat as quickly as possible. It is GREATLY appreciated should you decide to do so.


On your wedding day, I typically arrive 2 to 3 hours prior to the event. Depending on your package and site logistics, I may need a bigger window of time to set everything up before it’s Go Time.


As per the Performance Agreement, I don’t need much; a 6-ft. to 8-ft. skirted table (if I’m not using my booth) and a reliable power source. If I’m providing ceremony audio, a 4-ft. to 6-ft. table is all that I need. I try to keep it simple.


I never include a gratuity in the pricing as I consider that a performance-based component. If you believe that my performance deserves one, it is more than appreciated. A typical gratuity in the service industry is 15% to 18% of your event total.

The Music

This is the soundtrack to Your Wedding Day; as such, it’s QUITE important. Take the time to go through your planning forms. If you have a Spotify playlist, feel free to send me the link.


Some time between two and three weeks prior to your wedding day, we’ll take a deep dive into the details of Your Wedding Celebration.  I call it The Final Walkthrough, and it’s designed to do two things – 

  1. Help you visualize what’s to come as I guide you and Your Community through Your Wedding Celebration.
  2. Address the finer details so that you can really ENJOY your day.  Any worry about when things are going to happen is MY responsibility.  You’re placing yourselves in my care – understand that I’ve Got You.
